
3 Free Online Grammar Checkers

Quality writing is important in many areas. Whether writing an essay or an e-mail or when it’s time to apply for a job that interests you in an environment that speak English, the way we express ourselves through writing is very important. It's actually an element that influences the opinion of other about ourselves and that’s why it's important to make sure we don’t make mistakes when we write our messages. Although it is possible to revise our texts ourselves, it is time-consuming to search in the dictionary for every word and there are chances that we skip some errors. This is why online grammar checkers are valuable tools that we should use. Since they are not all the same quality, I will present you 3 websites that will help you make a good correction. 1. The Virtual Writing Tutor online grammar checker is a website that makes a quality correction. It is easy to copy and paste the text to correct in the text box and then just cli

Hypertext Narrative

Hypertext Narrative. Hypertext Narrative. A hypertext narrative by Gabrielle Laurent Created with The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker Next Word count: 1343 Choice count: 49 Section count: 34 Image count: 0 Error count: 18 Field Related Analysis: Education : 21 matches (Down, School, choice, class, college, course, degree, evaluates, exam, fail, first, grades, graduate, learn, school, student, students, teach, teacher, trainee, university) Computer Science : 15 matches (application, bias, call, check, choice, Class, depth, file, Function, hypertext, physical, session, sleep, station, store) Psychology : 15 matches (amplitude, attention, biology, class, focus, habit, joint, love, need, opinion, patient, run, sleep, subject, therapist) Target Structure: background check (1 match) bias (1 match) HR (1 match) invaluable (3 matches) learn the ropes (1 match) overtime (1 match) pre

Test 1

Test 2 Test 2 A hypertext narrative by Gabrielle Laurent Created with The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker Next Word count: 972 Choice count: 23 Section count: 20 Image count: 1 Error count: 14 Field Related Analysis: Education : 20 matches (Down, School, choice, class, college, course, degree, evaluates, exam, fail, first, grades, graduate, school, student, students, teach, teacher, test, university) Nursing : 18 matches (anatomy, biology, bursitis, clinic, test, first aid, habit, HR, injuries, joint, MR, muscle, physical, physiotherapy, position, sleep, tendinitis, patients) Psychology : 15 matches (amplitude, attention, biology, class, game, habit, joint, love, muscle, need, opinion, patient, sleep, subject, therapist) Target Structure: background check (1 match) bias (1 match) drawback (1 match) flirtatio

Physiotec Screencast


A Day in the Life of a Physical Therapist

Image Physical_therapy#/media/File:Physiotherapie.jpg As a student in Physical Rehabilitation at Montmorency College, I am learning how the human body works and treatment of pathologies to help people who lost some physical ability to find them back. As a student, it is sometimes difficult to imagine what will be our daily life after finishing our studies. In order to learn more about the daily life of a physical therapist, I found an article that reveal a typical day of a person practicing this profession. The name of the article is “ A Dayin the Life of a Physical Therapist ” , from the website The Princeton Review . It is a reliable website that has been helping students for more than 30 years to attend the school of their choice. Here is a summary of the article. The primary goal of the physical therapist is to help his clients find their mobility and their strength one step at a time. With appropriate exercises and stretching, physic

3 Website Everyone in Physical Rehabilitation Should Know about

Image Although it is possible to consult several websites to find information about physiotherapy, few of them contain reliable information. Since it is difficult to find information from reliable sources, I decided to present three websites that could help other physiotherapy students or anyone who would like to be more informed about this subject. 1. Find reliable information about the profession. The OPPQ is the website of the professional order of physiotherapists of Quebec. This website provides a lot of information on the legal aspects of the practice of the physiotherapist. It is possible to find answers to all questions that the patients might have on physiotherapy treatments. The information found on this website are collected under different buttons to make the navigation easier. When you click on the button (public), there are some explanations of the differ

Virtual Writing Tutor Website Presentation
